
Norwegian law is base rule for the convention. Main points to keep track of (apart from the obvious) is:

  • Sale of alcohol is not permitted 
  • Distribution of illegal pornography is prohibited
  • Theft, vandalism, violence or any other kind of destructive, intrusive or hostile action will be prossecuted to the fullest extent

We will do our best to inform our guest of our policies as often as possible:
  • Pay attention to fire and safety instructions, they may come in handy in a time of crisis
  • Don't hesitate to contact staff if there is something on your mind
  • Smoking is not allowed inside the locale
  • Do not litter, especially not outside, convinently put your trash in a bin
  • Any threats against guests or staff will be considered hostile
  • Assault will be reported immediately
  • Please refrain from discriminating against others, inside and outside the con
  • If you are accompanying a minor, her as under the age of 18, you must not let him or her out of sight
    - In addition you may not consume alcoholic beverages, because of obvious reasons
  • Highly intoxicated guest will have to retreat to the sleeping quarters
  • We highly recommend that you keep drinks to yourself, non- and alcoholic beverages
  • ANY and all illegal substances are prohibited. Such as but not limited to narcotics. - - Turn down any offer and notify staff as soon as possible
  • Don't hesitate to contact staff if there is something on your mind or just want to strike a nice chat

Important information about self-defence protocols:

Should you get into trouble it is important to keep this in mind Norwegian Criminal Law Chapter 3, § 48 "self-defense clause" reads (not literal)

It is only self-defence when an otherwise criminal act undertaken to prevent or defend against an unlawful attack, provided that the action does not exceed the original attack strength or nature with respect to hazards. No one may be punished for an action that is taken in self-defence, even if it is done in favour of averting an unlawful attack or apprehend a criminal.

Put another way everyone has the right to defend themselves or to stop someone who commits a criminal act, but one should not use more force than is necessary to prevent an attack.

The convention has an age limit, requiring you to be 18 years of age at, or before, the first day of the convention. This is to make sure everyone is permitted to drink (Responsibly!). If you become overly drunk, you will be asked to withdraw to bed. (This is something that will be decided upon by security personel. All decisions are final and non-arguable). Keep in mind, you will be sharing space with others; respect others needs and limits.

If you are uncertain or have any questions, please mail us at furthernorthcon@gmail.com