Welcome to Further North

Welcome to Further North!

Further North is a furry convention that bases its core values on entertainment and the community. The main attraction for this years convention is the dance where Aikho steps up as DJ.

The convention will last from 18:00 friday 16. november to 18:00 sunday 18. november.  (GMT+1)

The convention will be located at the club house of "Siggerud Idrettslag" in Ski. Check under "travel" to see more spesific location and travel advice.

The cost of attending the convention is just 500 kr (NOK). This includes food, accommodations and attendance at all the events. The focus this year has been to give as much value as possible for your money, so we have worked hard to keep the convention cheap, yet crammed with entertainment.

The details surrounding the convention is still being nailed down so keep an eye on the website and the Norwegianpaws.org forums for more information.